MCHS 2024-2025 Missouri Bus Information
Thursday, August 15 is the first full day of school, as well as our first day of bus service. The bus service will follow similar procedures as we have in the past. The details of our Missouri bus service are as follows:
- The cost for our bus transportation is $85 per month. Bills need to be paid on the 5th day of each new month.
- The pick-up location and time will be changing just a bit. We will pick up in the Chic Fil A/McDonald’s parking lot (old Kmart parking lot) at Lindbergh and New Halls Ferry. The pickup time will be at 7:05 a.m. with a departure from this location at 7:20 a.m. We will have two buses to pick up at this location (one will arrive early and leave early if full – one will arrive a bit later and leave at 7:20).
- This year we are anticipating 60+ students riding our buses.
- The afternoon drop-off points will be as follows:
- St. Louis County Library (Lindbergh/Robbins Mill Rd)
- Old Kmart parking lot (Lindbergh/New Halls Ferry Rd)
- The afternoon buses will leave approximately 10 minutes after the bell rings signaling the end of our school day. Therefore, most days we dismiss at 3:06 and our buses will leave campus at approximately 3:30 (this is subject to change with any alterations to the schedule for the upcoming school year). On a “B” schedule (dismissal at 12:32), the bus will leave at approximately 12:42.
- Please remind your students that while riding our buses they are subject to the same rules and policies as when they are here in the building or at any other MCHS school function. The bus driver is the eyes, ears, and voice of the bus and will enforce the school rules and safety rules on the bus.
- Students who are causing problems on the bus will be dealt with on an individual basis.
- If there is ever a conflict/problem and the bus is going to be more than fifteen minutes late, please be assured that you will receive an “all call” phone message notifying you of you the delay. The “all call” will go out if the bus is anticipated to be more than 15-20 minutes late.
Bus service will commence on Thursday, August 17th. All students need to complete and sign the "School Bus Permission Slip" and return to Mr. Marth, Dean of Students by September 1, 2024. 618-463-0580 ext. 225 email
Permission slips may be picked up in the main office.
Click here to submit bus permission slip.