
Goals and Objectives

The Marquette Science Department seeks to instill its students with a wide range of scientific concepts on a theoretical, practical, and experimental level. Each course challenges the student to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the fundamental processes governing both the physical and biological worlds. The faculty seeks to incorporate traditional educational techniques including; lecture, lab, and problem-solving skills with smartboard and computer technology. The latter seeks to enhance student visualization and assimilation of scientific concepts.

The science department is currently integrating Pasco GLX technology, which allows a wide range of data sampling and analysis. This powerful technology enables students to explore and analyze motion, acceleration, voltage, electrolytes, carbon dioxide content, and pH just to name just a few.

The science department seeks to enhance and develop student education by:

  • Challenging students to understand and apply scientific concepts in meaningful ways.
  • Reinforcing analytical thought processes involved in analyzing and interpreting data.
  • Use of technology in data collection and statistical analysis.
  • Skills repetition involving problem-solving in a scientific manner.
  • Introduce students to the relationship between scientific advances and ethical consideration associated with these advancements. 

Requirements: Three lab sciences required for graduation.

We offer the following courses:

  • Introduction to Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • AP Physics
  • Advanced Biology: Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Advanced Placement Chemistry
  • Environmental Geography
  • GSI
  • Physical Geography
  • Physical Science
  • Pre Engineering